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3 Out 2 In Motion Offense: Basic Information Explained

What is the 3 out 2 in motion offense in basketball

The 3 out 2 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that seeks to create multiple scoring opportunities through the use of set plays as well as offensive actions such as basketball screens, basketball cuts, continuity patterns and pick and roll options among others.

What are advantages of the 3 out 2 in motion offense

The primary advantage of the 3 out 2 in motion offense is that it could be very beneficial for teams with two or more low post players that are capable of scoring near the basket.

Additionally, since there are typically two post players near the basket, this offers offensive teams a greater likelihood to rebound their own misses for second chance points.

What are disadvantages of the 3 out 2 in motion offense

One notable disadvantage of the 3 out 2 in motion offense is that it could be more challenging to attack the rim, particularly by way of perimeter dribble drive action when the two low post players are on each post block.

Essentially, if a perimeter player attacks the rim, especially with the intention of scoring by way of a layup or dunk, then the defenders that are guarding the low post players could potentially act as help defenders to decrease scoring possibilities for that same perimeter player.

Also, the 3 out 2 in motion offense might not be as useful for undersized basketball teams.

Basically, if a team has low post players that are undersized, then it may be more challenging for those same post players to score, particularly with low post moves when the low post defenders are bigger, taller, and/or stronger.

What is an example of the initial formation for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Formation - 3 Out 2 In Motion Offense

This is an example of the initial formation for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that features three perimeter players and two low post players. Player 1, who is usually the team’s point guard starts near the top.

Players 2 and 3, who are typically the team’s shooting guard and small forward respectively starts near the left and right side wing areas.

Players 4 and 5, who are generally the team’s power forward and center respectively starts near the left and right side low post areas.

What are examples of basic continuity patterns for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Continuity Example 1 – Part 1

Continuity Example 1 - Part 1

This is an example of a continuity pattern for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that could be a good scoring option for youth basketball teams.

It also features basic pass and screen away action near the perimeter and a cross screen near the basket.

To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and after that occurs, 3 cuts to the top via the away screen set by 1. Also, at the same time, 5 cuts across the lane to the right side low post block by way of the cross screen set by 4.

Next, 5 could receive the ball from 2 and try to score near the basket with a low post move. Alternatively, 3 could receive the ball from 2 and take the three-point jump shot if open.

Continuity Example 1 – Part 2

Continuity Example 1 - Part 2

If 3 received the ball but did not take the jump shot, then the offense could flow into the continuity pattern with the same actions executed again on the opposite side of the court.

So, to begin, 1 receives the ball from 3 and following that, 2 cuts to the top via the away screen set by 3. Additionally, as that happens, 5 cuts across to the left side low post block via the cross screen set by 4.

Next, 5 could receive the ball from 2 and attempt to score near the basket with a low post move. As a secondary option, 2 could receive the ball from 1 and take the open jump shot.

Afterwards, if 2 does not take the shot, then the continuity pattern could get executed once again.

Continuity Example 2 – Part 1

Continuity Example 2 - Part 1

This is another example of a continuity pattern for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that could also be an adequate scoring option for youth basketball teams.

It also consists of basic pass and cut action as well as a pin down screen near the basket.

To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and immediately following that, 1 cuts to the basket while 3 fills the vacated spot at the top.

Afterwards, 1 could receive the ball from 2 and score near the rim if that is open. Otherwise, 1 cuts out to the vacated left side wing via the pin down screen set by 3.

Continuity Example 2 – Part 2

Continuity Example 2 - Part 2

Next, 1 could receive the ball from 3 and take the jump shot if open. If that is not open, then 3 could cut to the basket while 2 cuts to the vacated area at the top.

From there, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and score at the rim or 2 could receive the ball from 1 instead. After that, if 3 did not receive the ball, then 3 could cut to the right side wing via the pin down screen set by 4.

Following that, 3 could receive the ball from 2 and the continuity pattern would restart.

What are examples of quick hitters for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Quick Hitter Example 1

Quick Hitter Example 1

This is an example of a quick hitter for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. It features post and perimeter scoring options by way of screen the screener action. To start, 3 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 3 quickly reverses the ball back to 1.

The purpose of this ball movement is to simply shift the defense. Next, 2 receives the ball from 1 and as that occurs, 5 cuts to the right side low post block via a cross screen set by 4.

Immediately after the cross screen, 4 cuts to the top via a down screen set by 1, which is the screen the screener action.

From that point, 5 could receive the ball from 2 and then score near the basket with a low post move. Also, as a secondary option, 4 could receive the ball from 2 and take the open three-point jump shot.

Quick Hitter Example 2 – Part 1

Quick Hitter Example 2 - Part 1

This is another example of a quick hitter for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that features multiple screens for a scoring opportunity, particularly near the basket.

To begin, 4 and 5 cut to the wing areas by way of pin down screens set by 2 and 3. Next, 4 receives the ball from 1 and if open, 4 could take the jump shot.

Quick Hitter Example 2 – Part 2

Quick Hitter Example 2 - Part 2

If 4 did not take the jump shot, then 5 could cut to the basket via the screens set by 3 and 2. Also, immediately after setting the screen, 3 cuts to the top via another screen set by 1, which is screen the screener action.

Following that, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket. In addition to that, as a secondary option, 3 could receive the ball from 4 and take the jump shot if open.

What are examples of dribble weave options for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Dribble Weave Example 1 – Part 1

Dribble Weave Example 1 - Part 1

This is an example of a dribble weave option for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that involves multiple dribble handoffs as well as pick and roll action. To start, 1 dribbles toward the left side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 3.

Afterwards, 3 dribbles to the top and then towards the right side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 2. Following that, 2 dribbles back to the top.

Dribble Weave Example 1 – Part 2

Dribble Weave Example 1 - Part 2

Next, 2 dribbles toward the left side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 1 while 3 clears out to the left side corner. After that, 1 dribbles to the top and then towards the basket via the on-ball screen set by 5.

Additionally, 5 rolls to the basket after setting the screen and could receive the ball from 1. From that point, 5 could either score at the rim or take the short mid-range jump shot in the lane.

Dribble Weave Example 2 – Part 1

Dribble Weave Example 2 - Part 1

This is yet another example of a dribble weave option for the 3 out 2 in motion offense that includes dribble handoffs and pick and roll action via a ram screen.

To begin, 1 dribbles toward the right side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 2.

After that, 1 clears out to the left side corner while 2 dribbles to the top and then towards the left side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 3. From there, 3 dribbles back to the top.

Dribble Weave Example 2 – Part 2

Dribble Weave Example 2 - Part 2

Next, 3 dribbles to the right side wing and this triggers an on-ball screen from 5 by way of a cross screen from 4. As a side note, this particular sequence is known as a ram screen because a player receives an off-ball screen before setting an on-ball screen.

Following the ram screen action, 3 dribbles toward the high post area while 5 rolls to the basket and 4 fills the vacated left side low post block.

From that point, 3 could take the mid-range shot if open or 5 could receive the ball and score near the rim. Also, as a secondary option, 2 could receive the ball and take the three-point jump shot if open.

Related: Weave Ball Screen Action – YouTube

What are examples of flex options for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Flex Example 1 – Part 1

Flex Example 1 - Part 1

This is an example of a scoring option that includes a flex screen, flare screen, and Spain pick and roll action for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. To begin, 1 dribbles toward the right side wing and that also triggers a clear out to the corner by 2.

Also, 3 fills the vacated area at the top, 5 cuts down to the left side wing, and 4 fills the vacated left side low post block.

Flex Example 1 – Part 2

Flex Example 1 - Part 2

Following that action, 2 cuts to the basket via the flex screen set by 4. At the same time, 3 cuts away to the left side wing area via the flare screen set by 5.

Next, 2 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket. However, as a secondary option, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and take the jump shot while 2 cuts across to the right side low post block.

Flex Example 1 – Part 3

Flex Example 1 - Part 3

If 1 did not pass to 2 or 3, then 1 could dribble to the high post area via the on-ball screen set by 5. From that point, 5 rolls to the basket by way of the back screen set by 2.

As a side note, this particular sequence is typically known as a Spain pick and roll and it occurs whenever a player receives an off-ball screen immediately after setting an on-ball screen.

Following the Spain action, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket. Alternatively, 3 or 4 could receive the ball and take three-point jump shots if open.

Flex Example 2 – Part 1

Flex Example 2 - Part 1

This is another example of a flex option with screen the screener action for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. To start, 4 and 5 cut to the wing areas via down screens set by 2 and 3.

Also, after setting the screens, 3 cuts to the left side corner while 2 fills the vacated right side low post area. Following that, 1 dribbles toward the left side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 4.

From there, 4 dribbles to the top and then towards the right side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 5. After 5 receives the ball, 5 dribbles back to the top while 4 cuts through to the right side corner.

Flex Example 2 – Part 2

Flex Example 2 - Part 2

Next, 1 receives the ball from 5 and after that, 4 cuts to the basket via the flex screen set by 2. Once that occurs, 4 could receive the ball from 1 and score at the rim.

If 4 does not receive the ball, then 4 could continue the cut towards the left side low post block.

Flex Example 2 – Part 3

Flex Example 2 - Part 3

After 4 cuts through to the left side block, 4 could receive the ball from 1 and score with a low post move near the basket. Also, as alternative options, 5 could cut to the basket via the back screen set by 2.

Immediately following that, 2 could cut to the left side wing area by way of the screen set by 1, which is screen the screener action.

Furthermore, as a side note, when 1 executed the entry pass to the post player and then cut away from the ball, this is also known as a split cut or post split action.

Continuing on, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket or 2 could receive the ball and take the jump shot if open.

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What is an example of a ball screen option for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

Ball Screen Example – Part 1

Ball Screen Example - Part 1

This is an example of a ball screen scoring option that also includes a continuity pattern. It is derived from Man-to-Man & Zone Offenses by Brenda Frese.

To begin, 3 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 5 cuts to the left side low post block via a cross screen set by 4. Following that, 5 could receive the ball from 3 if that is available while 4 fills the vacated right side low post block.

Conversely, if 5 is not open, then 1 could receive the ball from 3. After that, 2 receives the ball from 1 and then, 1 cuts through to the right side corner.

Ball Screen Example – Part 2

Ball Screen Example - Part 2

Next, 2 dribbles to the high post area via a ball screen set by 5. Also, after that setting the screen, 5 rolls to the basket and 1 fills the empty right side wing area.

Afterwards, 2 could take the mid-range jump shot or 5 could receive the ball from 2 and score near the basket. In addition to that, if 2 does not take the jump shot and 5 is not open, then 3 could receive the ball from 2.

From there, 3 could take the shot near the wing if open while 2 cuts through to the left side corner and 5 continues the cut to the left side low post block.

Ball Screen Example – Part 3

Ball Screen Example - Part 3

At this point, it is possible to execute the continuity phase of this particular ball screen set. So, 3 dribbles toward the high post via the ball screen set by 4.

Afterwards, 4 rolls to the basket and 2 fills the empty left side wing area. Next, 3 could take the mid-range shot or 4 could receive the ball and score at the rim. Furthermore, if 3 does not take the shot and 4 is not open, then 1 could receive the ball from 3.

After that, 1 could take the shot near the wing if that is open while 3 cuts through to the right side corner and 4 continues the cut to the right side low post block. Following this, the continuity could get executed once again with a ball screen set by 5.

What is an example of high low action for the 3 out 2 in motion offense

High Low Example – Part 1

High Low Example - Part 1

This is an example of high low action for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. To start, 1 dribbles toward the left side wing to execute a dribble handoff with 3. Following that, 3 dribbles to the top and then 2 receives the ball from 3.

Afterwards, 3 cuts to the basket via a back screen set by 4. From there, 3 could receive the ball from 2 and then score at the basket if that is open.

If 3 is not open, then 3 continues the cut out towards the right side corner. Also, 4 should cut to the top after setting the back screen.

High Low Example – Part 2

High Low Example - Part 2

Next, 4 receives the ball from 2 and after that, the high low action occurs when 5 ducks into the lane to receive the ball from 4 if that is open.

If it is not open, then 1 receives the ball from 4. From there, 5 follows that pass towards the left side low post block, receives the ball from 1, and looks to score with a low post move.

What is an example of scoring options for the 3 out 2 in zone offense

Zone Offense Example – Part 1

Zone Offense Example - Part 1

This is an example of potential scoring options for the 3 out 2 in zone offense that could be used against a 2-3 zone defense.

To begin, 3 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 5 cuts to the left side low post area via the cross screen set by 4. From that point, 5 could look to score with a low post move while 1 and 2 exchange spots on the court.

Zone Offense Example – Part 2

Zone Offense Example - Part 2

If 5 was not open, then 2 receives the ball from 3 and then quickly reverses it to 1. Also, 2 cuts through to the right side low post block behind 4.

Zone Offense Example – Part 3

Zone Offense Example - Part 3

Next, 1 dribbles to the high post area via the on-ball screen set by 4 and could take the mid-range shot if that is available, shown with the gray arrow.

However, if X2 steps up to cut off the dribble action towards the high post area (also shown with the gray arrow) during the screening action, then 1 could dribble towards the top as a secondary option.

As that secondary dribble action occurs, 2 could receive the ball from 1 by way of screens set by 5 and 3. Following that, 2 could take the three-point jump shot if open.

What are offensive strategies comparable to the 3 out 2 in motion offense

The 2 out 3 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that emphasizes ball movement, post split action, and continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter.

The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that features a variety of scoring options by way of actions such as ball screens and quick hitters. It is most advantageous for guard-oriented teams that can score from the perimeter.

The 5 out motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that emphasizes cutting to the basket from five perimeter spots to generate points near the rim. It is a very good offense to consider for teams that may be undersized or teams with less experience such as youth basketball teams.

Motion offense is a basketball offensive system that primarily utilizes at least one of the fundamental elements of passing, cutting, screening, or dribbling while also incorporating player movement and ball movement to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter.