What is the dribble entry in basketball
The dribble entry consists of action that occurs when a player in possession of the basketball dribbles it toward a wing area of the court, usually from the top, as a method of initializing a set play or other offensive sequence that could result in scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court.
What are examples of basketball plays that use the dribble entry
Example 1 – Part 1
This is an example of a dribble entry derived from Spread Offense by Brad Underwood. 1 starts with dribble entry action towards the right side wing area.
As that happens, 2 cuts across to the left side low post block while 4 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5. After that, 4 could receive the ball from 1 if that is open.
Otherwise, if that is not open, then 4 continues the cut out towards the right side corner.
Example 1 – Part 2
Next, 3 cuts toward the left side high post elbow but rejects the screen set by 5 and then cuts to the basket. After that, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket with a layup.
Alternatively, if that is not open, 3 could continue the cut out towards the right side low post. From that point, 3 could receive the ball from 1 (gray dotted arrow) and then try to score via a low post move near the basket.
Example 1 – Part 3
Additionally, as 3 cuts across to the right side low post, 2 cuts to the top via the pin down screen set by 5. If 3 is not open, then 2 could receive the ball from 1.
Afterwards, 2 could take the open jump shot. Alternatively, 5 could cut into the lane after setting the screen, receive the ball from 2, and then quickly score with a short jump shot or low post move.
Example 2
This is an example of the dribble entry executed from a Horns set. To begin, 1 executes a dribble entry toward the right side wing to initiate the offensive set play.
As that happens, 5 cuts to the right side low post block via the cross screen set by 4 while 2 cuts from the right side corner to the top.
From that point, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and then attempt to score near the basket with a low post move. Alternatively, 2 could receive the ball at the top while 3 gets open towards the left side wing.
Afterwards, 3 could receive the ball from 2 to complete the reversal action and then 4 could cut to the left side low post block area. Following that, 4 could receive the ball from 3 and try to score near the basket with a low post move.
Example 3
This is an example of the dribble entry executed from a 1-4 low set which also includes pick and pop action near the wing. To start, 1 executes a dribble entry towards the right side wing.
Afterwards, 2 executes a baseline run to the left side corner while 3 cuts up to the left side slot area. Next, 1 dribbles toward the right side high post elbow via the on-ball screen set by 4.
Additionally, 4 pops to the vacated right side corner after setting the screen. Following that, 1 could take the mid-range shot if open. As a secondary option, 1 could continue the dribble action to the basket and score with a layup.
Furthermore, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and then score near the basket. Alternatively, if 1 does not dribble into the lane, then 3 or 4 could receive the ball from 1 and then 3 or 4 could take three-point shots if open.
Example 4
This is an example of a dribble entry initiated from a box set offense with screen the screener action.
1 executes a dribble entry to the right side wing and as that happens, 5 cuts to the right side low post block via the cross screen set by 2.
Next, 2 cuts to the top via the screens set by 3 and 4 to complete the screen the screener action.
Afterwards, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score with a low post move. Alternatively, 2 could receive the ball from 1 and take the open jump shot.
Example 5
This is an example of a dribble entry initiated from the Horns offense which also comprises a zipper cut from the corner to the top.
Moreover, as a side note, when a dribble entry and a zipper cut (or in certain instances, a shallow cut) are used at the same time, particularly on the same side of the floor, this is sometimes referred to as a loop action.
To demonstrate, 1 executes a dribble entry towards the right side wing. When that happens, 2 executes a zipper cut to the top. Following that, 3 cuts to the left side wing via the stagger screens set by 4 and 5.
Next, 3 receives the ball from 2 to complete the reversal action and then, 3 takes the open jump shot.
Example 6
This is an example of a dribble entry which also features loop action with a shallow cut. To begin, 1 executes a dribble entry towards the left side wing and this triggers a shallow cut to the top by 3.
Next, 3 receives the ball from 1 and while that occurs, 2 cuts to the right side wing via the down screen set by 4. Following that, 2 receives the ball from 3 and could take the open three-point shot.